28 March - 3 April 2022
IBCPC Participatory Dragon Boat Festival
Festival Merchandise
We have been working very closely with a Hamilton based jeweller, Goldsmiths, to design some special pieces in sterling silver to create a memory of the festival.
The items will also be available in gold. The gold price will depend on the gold ingot value at the time of order.
These items can be collected at the festival or posted to you.
We have also been working closely with Hornet Water Sports to design the carbon fibre festival memorial paddles. Hornet ran a design competition and we then “tweaked” the designs to reflect the essence of the festival.
We have three styles to choose from. They all have strong New Zealand elements in them.
The unfurling koru which you will see in two of the designs represents new beginnings and we are sure you will feel the same when you see the depth of the design.
The Mountain mosaic paddle is reflective of the mountains and the kaleidoscope of colours in a New Zealand sunrise and sunset.
The back and front differ. You are seeing the front first then the back in each set of images. There are only three designs in total.​
They are named left to right:
1. Green Koru
2. Purple Koru
3. Mountain mosaic
They can be pre-ordered via the REV platform.
Please view and order the entire clothing collection made especially for the Dragon Boat Festival on the Pure Athletic website