10 April - 16 April 2023
IBCPC Participatory Dragon Boat Festival
The Event
The IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival is held every 3 to 4 years under the auspices of the International Breast Cancer Paddlers’ Commission. The festival is an international non-competitive participatory event for breast cancer paddler teams who engage in Dragonboat activities as post breast cancer diagnosis rehabilitation. For the first time since the establishment of IBCPC in 2010, the festival will take place in the southern hemisphere in New Zealand.
Dragon boat paddling has become a rehabilitation therapy for tens of thousands of women, and men worldwide, who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The New Zealand 2023 Festival will involve a selection of teams from the current 240 IBCPC member teams, from 30 countries across all continents (other than the Antarctic). The festival will be governed by the Aotearoa Wahine Toa Ora Trust (AWTO) and sitting under the trust will be an Organising Committee (OC) chaired by Meri Gibson and working with her will be many experienced members of the New Zealand Dragon Boat Association (NZDBA) on the technical management of the festival, members of Abreast
of Life Dragon Boat team and members of other breast cancer teams in New Zealand to help with other aspects of the festival.
The New Zealand Festival will be a sporting event but above all a social occasion in which New Zealand will welcome 4000 to 5000 people from all over the world. The participants are mainly women between the ages of 20 and 80 who will meet to take part in the exciting Dragon boat races, paddling together on the beautiful world-class facility at Lake Karapiro, Cambridge, New Zealand. They will also be accompanied by their friends and families, their faithful and enthusiastic supporters.
Please don’t miss out on being part of this great event happening 10 April 2023 - 16 April 2023 and participating in the week-long celebrations culminating in three days of intense activity, demonstrations, workshops and social events aimed at awareness and dialogue within the large international community of breast-cancer paddlers.

In the heart of the lush green Waikato sits the stunning world-class Mighty River Domain with Lake Karapiro at its centre.
Situated 6 km south of Cambridge in the Waipa district the recreational reserve is open for public access all year-round. Mighty River Domain, Lake Karapiro also has a range of facilities making a perfect location for aquatic and land-based events. Surrounded by bush and luscious green hills, the lake attracts tens of thousands of visitors every year whether it’s to participate in a major sporting event or simply to have a picnic beside the water.
The man-made lake was formed behind the Karapiro hydro dam in 1947 and today it provides eight square kilometres of calm water beside the 19 ha of land known as Mighty River Domain.
The lake is also becoming a favourite with anglers. Brown and rainbow trout are thriving in the lake as about 2000 rainbow trout and 500 brown trout are released annually by Fish and Game, with the average size increasing each year. It is not uncommon these days to land a 10 pounder(4.5kg).

10 April 2023
11 April 2023
14 April 2023
IBCPC Congress
Team managers and steers meeting
Pink Parade of Nations
Opening Ceremony
12 April 2023
13 April 2023
Meet and greet evening and regional welcome
15 April 2023
16 April 2023
Global Finale
Flower Ceremony
Closing Ceremony

Transport will be available to and from the various events and the race village this will be advised as we move closer to the festival date.

The Congress will take place at the Novotel Tainui in Hamilton on 14th April. There will be further information provided as we move closer to the date. Two delegates from each IBCPC member team are eligible to attend.